Creative United CEO Mary-Alice Stack to join panel discussion as part of the Incorporated Society of Musician’s upcoming The Empowered Musician 2020 event

The ISM is hosting a free two-day online programme of events on Wednesday 2 and Thursday 3 December 2020. The Empowered Musician will examine the key issues for the music industry beyond 2020, offering music professionals much-needed support and inspiration, and demonstrating the viability and value of a creative career.

Bringing together innovative artists and leading music industry experts to share their experiences and offer practical advice for success, Creative United CEO Mary-Alice Stack will be joining the panel discussion ‘COVID-19 and its impact on gender, race and disability’ on Thursday 3 December from 12 – 1.15PM

In light of Creative United and Take it Away’s work on addressing the barriers faced by disabled people of all ages in accessing music education and professional development opportunities as part of the Inclusive Access to Music Making initiative, Mary-Alice will be joined in conversation with Keith Harris OBE, Mahaliah Edwards, Mark Taylor and chaired by Vick Bain. The panel will discuss whether existing inequalities in the music sector have been exacerbated or brought to light by COVID-19. 

How can we widen access to creative careers and work together to create a more diverse and inclusive industry?

Book your free ticket here