64 Million Artists took part in our Prosper programme 2017-2018. Business support enabled them to think more strategically, plan for the future and achieve ambitions for sustainable impact.

64 Million Artists is an organisation that undertakes ‘a national campaign to unlock the potential of everyone in the UK through creativity’. They use a simple, fun and free process: ‘Do, Think and Share’, which supports people to be creative, express themselves, become more confident and connect with others.

The organisation works in a number of areas:

  • With the arts and cultural sector (including the BBC on Get Creative) to ensure everyday creativity is encouraged and celebrated across the UK.
  • With employers to bring fun and regular creativity to the workplace.
  • With towns/cities to see what happens when you catalyse larger numbers of people to unleash their potential.
  • And with people affected by stress, depression, anxiety or other well-being issues to explore how everyday creativity can make a positive contribution to individual lives across the UK.

64 Million Artists used the majority of their 12 Prosper credits on a Business Advisor because it ‘felt so useful’.

Key business outcomes

64 Million Artists reported the following business outcomes from using Prosper


A new digital service

A new digital version of their ‘Do, Think, Share’ activity was launched. This prototype free, web-based service supports 64 Million Artists’ mission to be a catalyst for the creativity of everyone in the UK, and contains materials and tutorials to enable people to run creative activities and sessions.


Integrated services

Having identified that much of the organisation’s activity was taking place in isolation on a commission-by-commission basis, Prosper support drove the organisation to ensure that all of their services were integrated into a more cohesive business model.


Packaging services

64 Million Artists reviewed how they could repackage and deliver leadership training from one client to others in the same sector, essentially expanding their services to other markets.


Opening up funding streams

•The process of thinking more strategically opened up larger scale grant funding streams outside of their normal commercial, commission-based business model. This has enabled them to ‘roadmap’ a set of activities that will leave them well-placed to secure such investment in the medium term.


Prosper’s support allowed 64 Million Artists to continue to develop iteratively and via experimentation. It enabled them to do this within a realistic framework that crystallises and supports activity geared towards achieving the organisation’s longer-term ambitions for broader sustainable impact.

Visit their website
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